General Information:
Welcome to the Ridge School Health Office. Mrs. Colleen Manke, R.N., BSN, welcomes your calls or questions. E-mail her at [email protected], or call the health office directly - 201-670-2740x2.
All students new to Ridge School must have a health history completed by parents and a physical completed by their physician, including a complete immunization record. If you have any concerns about your child that require immediate attention, please contact my office directly.
Medication Guidelines are in place in order to insure the safety of all children.
Medication will only be administered in school under circumstances that follow the criteria below:
1.The Parent/Guardian must provide a written request for the administration of the prescribed medication at school.
2. Written orders are to be provided to the school from the private physician before the medication can be administered.
3. The medication should be brought to school in the original container, by the parent
Lice Information
Lice Checklist - Please use this checklist if someone in your family has lice. It maps out what steps need to be taken and what needs to be cleaned in your house. You can also go to for more information, or click HERE for a comprehensive PowerPoint on the subject.
Flu Info for Parents - click here
Who should I call when my child will be out?
The Absence Verification Line (201-670-2740x1) in the Health Office is available 24 hours a day. If you have any questions, or would like a follow-up call, please leave a message and Mrs. Manke will return calls around 9:30 a.m.
What happens if my child become ill or injured at school?
Your child will be taken care of and an assessment will be made. Mrs. Manke will use the emergency information collected the first day of school to contact parents or other caregivers if the child is ill or slightly injured.
If your child has a serious injury, we will call "911" and will then contact parents immediately.
When should I keep my child home from school?
I know from expeience that it is, at times, hard to know if a child is REALLY sick or if they really need to stay home and miss school. Many times it is merely a judgment call, something from inside, knowing your own child as you do, that gives you the answer. (Sometimes we all make mistakes at that also!) A few rules of thumb may be helpful in offering you some guidance:
- If a child has vomiting or diarrhea -- student should stay home for at least 24 hours after the last episode.
- If a child has a fever -- 100 degrees or higher, they should stay home for 24 hours after the fever has subsided. Please be aware that if their temperature is 99.4 or higher, the fever may be on the way up!
- If a child complains of sore throat in combination with headache and /or vomiting, it is suspicious for strep throat. If they have strep throat, they MUST stay home until they have taken antibiotics for 24 hours.
- If a child has discharge or crusting from eyes, please consult a pediatrician. They should be treated and be discharge-free before returning to school.
- If a child has a heavy cold or any illness that prevents them from being able to focus in the classroom or might disturb the rest of the class, a day at home might make all the difference. If you are a working parent, I know that this can present difficulties, however, you might be preventing a more serious illness by giving your child time to recover from a less serious illness.
Health Forms
Physical Examination Form (Gr. K-5)
Immunization Record - for all new students
Mantoux Form - for all new students
Vision Exam - for all new Kindergarten students
Authorization for Medication - for all students who require medication during school hours
Allergy Information Sheet - to be filled out by parents
Asthma Treatment Plan - to be filled out by doctor
Food Allergy Action Plan - to be filled out by doctor
Supplemental Health Form for incoming 5th Graders
Immunization Requirements for 6th Grade. You will not be admitted to 6th Grade without these necessary immunizations.
Immunization Form for 6th Grade - to be filled out by doctor.
Gr. 6-12 Physical Form